The world of Raoes was once populated by a small number of powerful keepers, the Dynis: ageless creatures with various magical creative powers.
The first Dynis was Nectira; created by Celaemus to cover the world with all sorts of plants. Connected to Celaemus, Nectira herself increased Celaemus’ powers and her own, as life spread across the once desolate planet. Once this was done, Celaemus was ready to create 10 other Dynis. He retracted Nectira, the “Root Dynis” into a dormant and safe state underground, and created 10 “Fruit Dynis”.
These new Dynis were responsible for covering the realms of Raeos with 10 corresponding types of creatures; then to reign among them above ground. The Fruit Dynis were vulnerable when the Yarku hoard suddenly wiped the life off of Raeos. All of the Dynis aside from Nectira were destroyed, along with their vast habitats of species; all extinct.