Raeos is a small world, made up of many islands: 10, to once facilitate a home for all of its Dynis and corresponding species. Between the 10 islands, there are 4 different “realm types”, each possessing distinct natural characteristics.
Celiemhiem: Smallest of the realms, but home to the great Celaemus. White birch trees grow above silvery grasslands.
Esve: A mountainous region populated by high-desert life. Nectira must regrow cacti, misquote trees, golden fields and juniper woods.
Sebok: A swampland shrouded by mist, but illuminated by all things glowing. Home to cypress trees and tropical plant life. Roots create bridges, while flowers and natural wisp-like creatures radiate assorted lights.
Whinan: A dense forest of pine and smaller bushes with occasional scattered streams.